Print a QR code from the QR Library

The fourth in our How To video series, this short video shows you how to create a QR code which could be added to digital or printed material. In this video, we'll use the example of a charity fundraising event.

Print a QR code from the QR Library

In the video, we create a QR code which allows donors to make a £5 donation by scanning a QR code which we then add to a printed poster.

Here's how.

  1. open the One app and login.
  2. Tap "My library" and swipe left through any QR codes you've previously created.
  3. Tap "Create new" and add the donation amount and an optional label.
  4. Click "Done" and your QR code is ready to share.
  5. The simplest way to get the QR code into a format for printing is to email it to yourself - or your graphic designer, if you're so lucky!
  6. Then, simply copy the QR code from the email and paste it into your material for printing or for digital display.